Tuesday, December 10, 2013

UTRECHT, NETHERLANDS (HOLLAND) Not your Amsterdam! Genuine Dutch.

This is a city much older and more Dutch than Amsterdam. And If you're going to visit or travel
Netherlands,  then you make sure you stop by Utrecht. Utrecht is unique, it stands out from other Dutch cities and it's a must see destination no matter what. There are several middle-sized cities in Europe I really love and for me, Utrecht is definitely one of them which I've gone back 11 times. There is a reason for everything and there must be a reason why I keep going back to Utrecht and others I adore.
It's not as much populated as Amsterdam. Not that I don't like Amsterdam, it's just a different city. It's the 4th largest city of Holland.
The reason I said this city is one of the oldest has a lot to do with its historical background. Its history witnessed to many events that shaped the entire Netherlands.
Utrecht has been the religious centre of Netherlands since many centuries and this is one reason you would see many historical buildings and monuments from Early Middle ages and the Middle ages.
There is the Dom Tower which is the tallest church tower in Netherlands. It was built in 14th Century around 1328, but of course it took many years to complete the entire project. And you can see this tower where ever you are in Utrecht. This is the main reason why you would never get lost in Utrecht. It's 112,5 meters tall, I do not believe anyone would miss it from a far distance.

            Utrecht Dom Tower  Photo: F.Aksoy-Aug-2013           

                                      Another shot to Utrecht Dom Tower Photo: F.Aksoy-Aug-2013                                                                                                                                        

This city also a university town and its university is one of the biggest in Europe and also the oldest in Netherlands.
This university is one of the leading research centers in Europe which is why the city of Utrecht is known as a student city. There is no doubt in my eyes, Utrecht is cultural, very lively, young population and it has so much to offer for anyone at any age.
Before I begin talking about those beautiful Utrecht canals which is everywhere in the city, I will have to explain about part of the Rhein river south of Utrecht in Netherlands.
During the 11th Century, Rhein river flowed right in the center and around the city of Utrecht. And banks of the Rhein river became so important and vital to the trade that Utrecht became very important player. But later because of Utrecht's defense and security from enemies, they have decided to build fortresses. And to build this fortresses meant: change the Rhein river's flow direction more towards south.
Of course after the old bed main flow of the Rhein river moving to south which used to pass through the city, main bed in the city created many canals.


Beautiful lively canals which Utrecht populations takes advantage of them
                                       Photo: F.Aksoy-Aug-2013

Actually these canals gave so much character to the city that without them Utrecht would be naked. 
   And there are so many shops and cafes around the canal lines that you would never stop going from one to another. 
Give yourself at least a few days in Utrecht if you really want to enjoy this city. Because I was bicycling during this European trip 7 countries and almost 3000 kilometers, I felt like this was the best way to see some of the cities close up. I do not believe there were any places left that I didn't touch before I left Utrecht. That is having an advantage traveling with bicycle. And in Holland and in Utrecht, just about everyone cycles to everywhere. So, I wasn't a strangers to these bike crazy country.

Just about everyone rides their bicycles in Utrecht. Photo: F.Aksoy-Aug-2013

Since I've been in Utrecht many times, in one of those occasions I was riding my bicycle from another Dutch city Eindhoven, coming from south towards north to Utrecht. 
I just have to tell anyone that if you ever like taking a tour of Dutch country side, then try coming to Utrecht from south by taking the road from a town called s-Hertogenbosch. I just love that country road crossing some of the most beautiful Dutch villages on the way to Utrecht. 
You also cross some of the most private part of the Rhein river where locals swim and it's middle of no where. Passing through some of the apple orchards and town of Zaltbommel was amazing where I felt like I was in a different world. 
Utrecht and surrounding places a must see destination. You just get so much out of it that you want to go back again.

An amazing sculpture front of a funky street entrance. I tried very hard to think 
and guess what this subject (sculpture) really doing. I knew he wasn't staring at anywhere. 
But rather, he was thinking deep...a strategy perhaps.  Photo: F.Aksoy

This building was directly situated right behind the Dom Tower. Photo: F.Aksoy

Bicycles are the best transportation in Netherlands. They're all over the place
I mean everywhere.                                 Photo: F.Aksoy

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