Sunday, December 8, 2013


Here is a city mostly underrated and unknown to many around the world. But actually this itself is enough to visit Gent over and over. Yes, correct! Europeans may know the city, however, the numbers are not that high. I've been there several times, still, I can never get enough of Gent. There is something about it which captures the best of me. Belgium do have a few beautiful cities, towns and villages. Antwerpen may be a fashion capital of Belgium, Brugge may be the most visited city by tourists in Belgium. Brussel may be a cosmopolitan city home to EU and Nato, with its certain attractive suburbs, but still in my opinion, none of them would take Gent's place. Gent is different! Gent is Belgium's best kept secret and Gent is a hidden city which not many are aware of it.
                                            This is the photo of Belfry of Gent.
                                      This tower is all the way from medieval times and
                                         It served as a bell tower and a watch tower. it's
                                         construction started in 1313 by master mason
                                                            Jan van Haelst           Photo: F.Aksoy-Aug-2013

                                   Saint Nicholas Church, Gent, Belgium. Photo by:F.Aksoy-Aug-2013

                                  Historical Post Plaza, Gent, Belgium. Photo: F.Aksoy-Aug-2013

    What really sets the city of Gent apart from other Belgian cities? Of course I can only answer this question from my own perspective. And not only from a single visit, but I was in Gent four separate occasions.
I'm mostly a positive and an outgoing person with a great mood almost at all times. However, I must admit and acknowledge that  every time I was in Gent my energy levels were raised up by naturally. The city itself has so much energy and it's written all over it from the moment you enter into Gent. I can never describe enough of Gent's positive sides. It's not only what the city offers, but most importantly Gent's people and its population are some of the warmest bunch you can find in Western Europe. Yes, Gent's historical center is mostly from medieval times and generally centered around Gravensteen Castle and mostly free from cars or car traffic which really makes it even easier to walk around. But still it's not the medieval buildings that sets Gent apart from other cities, it's also its people what makes this city outstanding.

                              I was on my way to the city of Gent, Belgium. Having a lunch break
                              in one of the Belgium villages. Aug-2013

                          The Gravensteen Castle, Gent, Belgium. This castle was built in 1180
                          by Phillip Alsace. Photo: F.Aksoy-Aug-2013                            

  Gent is located around north-west, Flemish (Dutch speaking) region in Belgium. It's actually a hidden city between France and Holland. It has the third largest port of Belgium. Of course it's port is accessible by canals and it's situated by Western Scheldt.
You really don't need a car in Gent. Gent has one of the best transportation system in the region. It has everything you ask for (Bus, Tram, Train, etc). And if you rather see things close up you can basically walk everywhere. Especially people who enjoys long distance walking, you'd love taking a walk along the Leie river or the medieval historical center.
Gent has one of the biggest university in Dutch speaking region with a population of 60,000 students and this is also what makes this city's population's average age so younger than other Belgium cities.
       A place for coffee and chocolate lovers. Great for cacao shots. I loved it.  Photo:F.Aksoy
                                   Near the historical center, Gent, Belgium. Photo: F.Aksoy
    On this particular trip to Gent I was bicycling and on the way to south to France, Spain and Italy. But then again, every time I comeback to Europe bicycling the continent, I always stop by the city of Gent. I can't help it. It has so much affect on me. Because of the traveling style is bicycling, I usually camp out most of the nights except two or three of the nights out of the week, I check in to either to hotel or backpacker's hostel.
In Gent, I camped out a few nights, but other nights I was invited to stay with my newly made friends who were warm and hospitable enough to invite me to their places. And the important point here with Gent's locals  has a lot to do with not only a few people wants to host you, but rather there were so many locals who invited me. And it's amazing how friendly they are. No matter which cafe or a place you're sitting or relaxing, there are always stranger friendly locals who wants to chat to you. Perhaps they like visitors from other countries, perhaps they do enjoy talking and getting into conversations with others. Whatever it is, I love the energy and the positiveness Gent people carries with them.

                                        Locals relaxing at the cafe, Gent, Belgium. Photo: F.Aksoy
            This street is deep inside away from the center of the city, but it got my notice right a way. in Dutch, straat means street, so, I was laughing so hard when I saw this sign. However, I'd have to admit that great, delicious and international food served on this street.                                                                                                                

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