Friday, February 20, 2015

My original plan was to stay and travel this continent by bicycle between 6 to 8 months. However, I end it up cycling only for 10 weeks (2, 5 months) three great countries: Peru, Chile, and Argentina. I wanted to begin cycling from Venezuela, then down to Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and the coastline of Brazil.  But I realized this will take little over a year. I changed my mind and decided to come back to this continent next year again to do the rest. However, Peru, Chile, and part of Argentina were an eye opener.  I loved cycling with great details of these countries. Especially coastline of Peru between Atico and Camana and Patagonia in Chile side was an amazing corner of the world I still can’t get over it.

                                       La Serena, Chile.

                                     Peru coastline: Pacific Ocean near Atico, Peru.

   I’m definitely destined to return back to South America next year which is most likely after cycling central Asia and the Silk Road. Why I really picked South America? In 1980s and early in 1990s I had a chance to see Bolivia and later some parts of the coastline of Brazil including Rio de Janeiro. I really fell in love with this continent’s landscape. And I already knew what other things it offered. This continent has everything to show and they’re not just a handful, but rather many amazing places in all over the continent. And it’s all extreme in South America, not just your regular Sydney city in Australia or Lake Tahoe of the United States or Swiss Alps of Switzerland. South America’s spots are much more unique, intriguing and it will make you dizzy wondering after awhile. Argentina’s Buenos Aires, both Argentinean and Chilean Patagonia’s mountains, lakes, rivers and its nature will definitely take you away and win your hearts forever.

                                        Peru Coastline

                     Atacama Desert and Atacama Region, Northern Chile.

                    Atacama Desert, Northern Chile. Middle of nowhere. 

     They have the longest mountain range Andes which stretches from Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, Argentina and highest mountain Aconcagua 6,962 m (22,841 ft). This continent has the largest rainforest Amazon Rainforest.  It has the highest capital city above sea level, most dry non-polar place on earth, the Atacama Desert. I can go on and count some more amazing statistics about this continent, but there is no need to as this place really has so much to offer for expeditionary bicyclists, explorers, backpackers, travelers and even short time visitors. It really doesn't matter your style of traveling, there is something for everyone in here. I usually bicycle long distance and that is my style of traveling. I just knew South American countries would be an intense challenging for bicycle travelers as it has mountains and hills in every corner. There is no way of avoiding those high mountains unless you’re a cheater who hitches with his/her bicycle. I've seen this in Europe and in South America.  I despise bicyclists who do that and later go on to tell people that they cycled South America. I've been cycling many years, and South America was the hardest and stiffest so far in my life. Patagonia will eat you alive! It has gravel roads and stiff hills on its mountains that you will scream and beg for your life after awhile to be on a normal flat road again. Weather is another thing around Atacama Desert and Patagonia which wind will slow you down to 5 kilometers an hour and if you’re not a patient person, it will irritate, annoy and frustrate you all day along that you wish you weren't bicycling.

                              Cerro Castillo National Park, Patagonia.

                                      Patagonia, Chile near Coyhaique.
                     Near Rio Ibanez, Chile, Patagonia. Ruta-7
   But despite all the hardship you go through as a bicyclist, it’s still the best way to travel South America and see this continent inch by inch. It’s worth of millions of Dollars to see most part of Patagonia and experience the long distance Atacama Desert. You won’t get to see some of the most desired views and best part of the Patagonia unless you travel some of the least traveled roads which have so much to show you. It’s full of adventure and it’s guaranteed you will never see anything like it anywhere around the world.

    It’s basically those reasons which attracted me and made me decide to travel South America. I’m always into adventure and long expeditions. On my next blog I will begin giving out the details of the routes I took which began from Lima, Peru and all the way down to Patagonia. And it was all with bicycle to do 6,400 kilometers in 2, 5 months. 
              Route-265 Chile. On the way to Chile Chico town.

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